
Saturday, November 8, 2008

SMART Seminar Malaysia 2008 - day 1

Its the first day of SMART Seminar Malaysia 2008.
This the first time its held in Malaysia.

Definitely exciting as I had been looking forward to attending it for the past few weeks.

I had prepared new business cards and looked forward to the networking opportunities.

Sure enough, once the event started at 9am, I was busy getting to know people seated around me.
Amazingly, many of them are way older than me. That's one thing I noticed when going to Internet Marketing events / previews/ seminars...
its mostly the uncles and aunties who are keen to know and mostly are newbies.

Where are the youngsters ?
I guess they are contented with their life at the moment, enjoying it with their parents money or their new salary.. that the issue of finding more income does not cross their mind.

Anyway.. the SMART seminar 2008 started with opening by Stuart Tan and Simon .
Then it was a round of intro of all the speakers.

Then, the first speaker up was Robert Puddy, who spoke on membership sites.
then as expected, came the special offer for the SMART seminar participants.
After that, we were broken up to small groups, and the speakers rotated around each group and spend about 20 minutes each, answering queries etc.
Then came lunch, and I got to have lunch with the speakers being in the Platinum group .
It was at a fusion restaurant at midvalley, nearby chilli's.
The service was bad and confusing with the staff from China.
kinda gave a bad impression of malaysia to these visitors from US and UK.
the food was ok, but I wouldnt pay for a meal there in future.

Then after lunch, another round of breakout session.

Then it was a presentation by Anik Singal.. which spoke on how to make money as affiliate using pay per click..
and of course, more offers for participants..

Also met Gobala Krishnan from Internet Millionaires Club and his staff Joey.

Overall, it was an informative day..I wonder what Day 2 of SMART seminar holds for me ...

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